Friday, September 3, 2010

Freedom From Control

The best piece of career advice that I have ever gotten was, " let go of the things you can not control." In many ways this tiny sentence has had the biggest impact on my life since the moment it entered my ears. There is an overabundance of us who try to control every single aspect of our lives and always end up feeling even more unorganized than before. The fact is that there are just too many things in one day to keep track of, let alone try and keep control of them all. Take some time today to think about all of the things that you do. Are there any of them that can be let go of? How many things seem to bring the most stress? These are often the things that are not meant to be controlled, but should just be dealt with and let go. Allowing yourself to just deal with things as they come will release the feeling of pressure and allow for more time to live life.

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