Thursday, September 2, 2010

Taking Charge of Change

As a newly unemployed professional, I have had ample time to stop and think about where my life is going. Most people don't get the chance to be paid to reassess their plans and my feeling is that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Often times when faced with change, people tend to shy away from the uncertainty. I feel that within this uncertainty comes unlimited possibility, and that potential can't be unlocked unless you are willing to take that plunge. It is far too easy to become locked into comfort and miss the many things in life that make us human. The ability to adapt, emotions, reasoning and intelligence are all things that make each of us such amazing creatures, and when someone lends themselves to a life of mediocracy they lose the things that make life worth living. Taking charge of change can be as easy as making a plan, or as hard as scaling a building with a thumbtack, but either way the benefits far outweigh the risks. Learning is based on facts, facts are based on knowledge, knowledge is acquired through trial and error, so mistakes are a necessary part of living and changes make it all keep going!

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