Sunday, October 31, 2010

Soups and Stews

When the light of the day gets less and less, we tend to hibernate and retreat to a cozy blanket and a plate of cookies. For a lot of us, the approaching holidays mark a time to remember what we had, and miss it even more. Some of us may have lost a loved one, some of us may have recently lost a home. Whatever it is, plenty of time is spent reminiscing about times past.
I like to think of times like these as soups and stews, the broth alone is not very filling but the addition of other ingredients make a hearty meal that fills us up. Life can be a boring broth when you only pay attention to what you had, but adding ingredients like family, friends, or new hobbies, can make a bowl of happiness that warms our soul. Take some time today to think about the things that you still have, and ways that you can turn your broth into a hearty stew.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Day of Forgiveness

Each day we go through life often holding ourselves to an extremely high standard. We follow our own rules, the rules that others have set for us, and if that weren't enough, we set rules for others along the way. More often than not, we try to cram our entire beings into a routine or schedule. With a world that is so full of "should do" or "shouldn't do" regulations, it is more important than ever to take time for a day of total forgiveness.
     So eat the things that are off limits, have a nap when there is too much to do, or take a day trip to a town where nobody knows you so that you can make up your own rules for the day.  Learning to forgive one day here and there reminds us that we are human, and need to experience life as it was meant to be..........unscheduled.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Are You Waiting For?

Sometimes when things change, we are quick to assume things have gone wrong. How many times in your life have you stopped and asked yourself,"what if things have suddenly gone right?" More than likely we just spend most of the time wishing for things to be different.
     Some years ago when I came back from California, I was convinced that it was the right decision. When things started to go in another direction, I found myself longing for the golden state all over again, so much so that I missed out on a lot of what was going on around me. I wasted so much time wishing for what was, that I failed to realize that this new chapter had so much more to offer.
     The secret to true appreciation comes with allowing what has been wrong, to lead to what will be right. Just because you lay out a plan, doesn't mean it's the right one. Make some time to take stock of what you already have. Chances are that you will notice things you hadn't before.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Packing for a Trip

Very few of us go through the day without some sort of stress or emotion that ends up staying with us. Someone cuts us off, the lady behind us at the grocery store isn't very nice. These things happen all of the time, and if we do not learn how to let these things go, we never truly enjoy the moments that count.
     Think of your day as a trip, and you start each trip out with an empty suitcase. As the day goes on, you collect things to fill that suitcase, and lug it around with you all day. Happy things don't weigh that much at all, while negative experiences weigh down the suitcase considerably.
     By the time we get home at night and prepare for the next day, it is up to us what we unpack. If negativity is left in the suitcase overnight, then the next trip starts out heavy and drags down the day. Only when we empty our suitcases of negativity, and fill them with happy experiences, can we stop dragging around so much baggage for each trip.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Cleansing Autumn Air

Now that the leaves have started to change, there is a certain change in the air that seems to fill your lungs in a different way. The crispness can be almost soul cleansing with a walk through the vibrant leaves. The constant crunching and swishing of the ground is a welcome sign of the approaching season. Many people have taken these walks, and few have neglected to be amazed at the beauty that only the Fall can provide.

     Even though the days are getting shorter, and time spent inside is getting longer, there is no reason that life has to get any less exciting. Cooking takes on a more warming quality, and candles can now be a great source of early evening light. As we move into the holidays, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the seemingly back-to-back series of events, don't forget to take a few moments to step outside and breathe in the end of the season air.