Saturday, October 23, 2010

Packing for a Trip

Very few of us go through the day without some sort of stress or emotion that ends up staying with us. Someone cuts us off, the lady behind us at the grocery store isn't very nice. These things happen all of the time, and if we do not learn how to let these things go, we never truly enjoy the moments that count.
     Think of your day as a trip, and you start each trip out with an empty suitcase. As the day goes on, you collect things to fill that suitcase, and lug it around with you all day. Happy things don't weigh that much at all, while negative experiences weigh down the suitcase considerably.
     By the time we get home at night and prepare for the next day, it is up to us what we unpack. If negativity is left in the suitcase overnight, then the next trip starts out heavy and drags down the day. Only when we empty our suitcases of negativity, and fill them with happy experiences, can we stop dragging around so much baggage for each trip.

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