Sunday, October 31, 2010

Soups and Stews

When the light of the day gets less and less, we tend to hibernate and retreat to a cozy blanket and a plate of cookies. For a lot of us, the approaching holidays mark a time to remember what we had, and miss it even more. Some of us may have lost a loved one, some of us may have recently lost a home. Whatever it is, plenty of time is spent reminiscing about times past.
I like to think of times like these as soups and stews, the broth alone is not very filling but the addition of other ingredients make a hearty meal that fills us up. Life can be a boring broth when you only pay attention to what you had, but adding ingredients like family, friends, or new hobbies, can make a bowl of happiness that warms our soul. Take some time today to think about the things that you still have, and ways that you can turn your broth into a hearty stew.

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