Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Day of Forgiveness

Each day we go through life often holding ourselves to an extremely high standard. We follow our own rules, the rules that others have set for us, and if that weren't enough, we set rules for others along the way. More often than not, we try to cram our entire beings into a routine or schedule. With a world that is so full of "should do" or "shouldn't do" regulations, it is more important than ever to take time for a day of total forgiveness.
     So eat the things that are off limits, have a nap when there is too much to do, or take a day trip to a town where nobody knows you so that you can make up your own rules for the day.  Learning to forgive one day here and there reminds us that we are human, and need to experience life as it was meant to be..........unscheduled.

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